Haaretz on pickle history and cultural conflict (2024)
Tablet Magazine on the forthcoming Borscht Belt Museum and the inaugural Borscht Belt festival on July 29, 2023 and my involvement as an advisory board member for the museum and presenter at the festival (2023)
Washington Jewish Week on my participation in the Smithsonian Folklife Festival and musings on Jewish food (2023)
The Nosher article on the new cookbooks Love Japan references my classic sushi-wasabi/gefilte-fish-horseradish comparison (2023)
The Forward on dairy and the springtime holiday of Shavuot (2023)
The Nosher quoted me in a piece about how Jewish recipes changed after the Holocaust (2023)
Cook's Illustrated spoke with me about what makes a great matzo ball (2023)
New York Times spoke to me about the state of the Jewish Deli (2022)
Serious Eats on gefilte fish history with some insights from me (2022)
Joy Sauce reviewed artist Stephanie Shih's new show and references my involvement (2022)
The Kitchn asked me to weigh in on white wine vinegar for a food column (2022)
Whetstone magazine interviewed me about new definitions of Jewish food (2022)
Moment Mag spoke to me about the Passover staple I know too much about (2022)
Meat and Three (Heritage Radio) interviewed me about gefilte fish (2022)